
Intra-Department quiz competition as part of world forest and water day

The PG department of Commerce and Management in association with IQAC conducted an intra-department quiz competition as part of world forest and water day celebrated on 23rd March 2021. The program coordinators were Mrs Rashida and Mr Abijith.

Two participants from each of the 5 departments participated. Venue of the program was the college auditorium. The program began at 10 am. The welcome address was given by Head of the department Dr. S. Chitrakala.

The program was judged by faculties of the Commerce department. Technical support was rendered by Mr Safvan, faculty of computer Science department and Mr Anees and Mr Abijith of commerce department for the smooth running of the program.

The program aimed at testing the current affairs awareness of students of the college.

The winners of the competition were:

Ms Malavika and Ms Anjali

(1st Semester M.Com)

The prize was distributed by Mrs Basheera, IQAC co-ordinator and Mrs Sarita Raveendranath, Staff advisor.

The poster of the program is attached herewith: